Hi there and welcome to my site!!!
I would like to introduce myself… I am Laura and I am pleased you are here.
I am 29-year-old girl living in the wonderful city known as Sydney, Australia - right in the heart of all the hustle and bustle.
I write about my life, and photograph almost everything, whilst occasionally posting healthy recipes. Most prominently I live my life, sharing moments with you in weird and wild ways.
This little website is my internet home - Blogging for me is a hobby!
I lost an entire person worth of weight when I was 20 years old & I have not looked back since. Losing a staggering 52 kilograms (or 114 lbs) of weight, over a 16-month period, dramatically changed the way I thought about my food, the way I prepared my food and the way I enjoyed my food. I became more aware of the food I was putting into my body. I started to become very interested in the nutritional side of the food I was eating.
This interest in nutrition lead me into university where I am currently undertaking my Bachelor’s Degree in Science (BSc) at the University of Sydney, where I’ve chosen to undertake a double major; Anatomy and Histology plus Physiology. Since commencing my life as a student, studying full-time, I have changed the way I write this little blog of mine. I have been writing about what it feels like to be a busy (and somewhat stressed) student at university who enjoys being healthy. My long-term goal is to complete a postgraduate degree… Right now, I’m on summer holidays and it is lovely…
(Click here to read more about my student life)
On November 11th, 2000 my life was changed forever.
My local swim team had their usual swim meet and I was eager and excited to participate. I had signed up for multiple races one of which included the 100-meter breaststroke. This race began at the shallow end of the pool and even at the young age of 12, I knew diving into 900 cms of water wasn’t the brightest idea. Being the obedient swimmer I was I stood on the diving block anyways to begin my race. Within seconds my life was changed forever. The starting block I was standing on wasn’t at all stable and I fell face first and hitting my chin on the bottom of the shallow end of the pool. Luckily, I have a very positive attitude which meant I have been able to continue living the life I desire… Obviously, I have limitations due to my Spinal Cord Injury, but I am very determined to not let my disability restrict me when it comes to achieving what I set out to achieve.
In the cooking and eating department, I have an appetite for everything vegetarian with a multitude of seafood thrown into the mix. I’m a regular girl who loves to cook, eat and share tasty food with the internet. // I have an unusually strange love for noodle soup, bubble tea and starbucks frappuccinos - My love runs deep!!